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Sunday 27 February 2011

Toronto Raptors Grudge

Which former Raptor is hated more, and why???

Vince Carter

Chris Bosh


  1. I think both are hated equally. VC just because, and CB4 because how he said he wanted to go to a team where he could get more promo and be the center of attention, but yea, that really didn't work out for him seeing that he's a 3rd wheel in MIA.

  2. Everyone forgot about VC now that they have another 'goat' to hate on. CB4 right now, VC Before.

  3. The way Chris Bosh left was a little selfish and uncalled for but as far as I'm concerned he played great ball for us and played hard every night he was on the court. It's a shame he wasn't able to get us anywhere in the playoffs but he was a double double player with a lot of heart and dedication for his team. Vince Carter on the other hand just plain and simple stopped playing for his team. He wanted out and did so in the most childish manner. Not to mention at least we got a TPE and two first round picks for Bosh, we only got Alonzo (who was gone instantly) and the not so productive Williams. But Vince kills us every time he comes back to T.O. and that kills me as a raps fan. In my opinion Vince is hated more..

  4. VC is def hated more, i just don't see the point in everyone hating on bosh..the man is doing his thing - and if you had an opportunity to play with two of your other friends and contend for a championship, i'd take it. raptor fans just take everything too seriously and push it further than it should be, we should be thanking bosh for what he's done for the organization and boo-ing VC.

  5. Most fans in TO clearly show more hate for carter simply for the way he left us. giving up towards the end of his time here and clearly just showed no love anymore, i dunno why they'd hate bosh he did everything he could with what management gave him. so just like CHUBB said, we should thank bosh for doing what he did with what he had.

  6. Hate is a strong word, honestly I don't know why people would "hate" on 2 talented players. In the end both these players had a great opportunity to further their career. And if anyone was carter or bosh they would leave the raptors too. Like how much can you do for a team, they ain't the lakers now where you can leave everythign up too
    In any case Raptors need time to develop as a team in general, all new players, who are young too

  7. In my opinion, Carter is still public enemy number 1. Mainly because he left in such a bad manner

  8. I think Cb4 should be hated more, not only did we give him the spotlight & franchise player authority, we also paid him ALOT, this inturn yielded nothing. Looking at VC, he actually got us into the playoffs, and even tried with all his heart (got into the 2nd round, game 7 against the knicks where he failed to make the last game tying shot). In the end, his potential was not being well utilized so he left (just like how Lebron has done), I think this was the correct move. But as humans, we tend to make clouded subjective mindsets, this leads to HATE.

  9. I like Bosh, so by default I hate Vince!
